※ 本校外國學生招生事務,不委託校外機構、法人、團體或個人辦理相關事項。
The recruitment of international students in Tamkang University is not permitted to commission any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters.
2025-2026 學士班招生名額(含轉學生): 414 名、碩士班招生名額 76 名、博士班招生名額 4名。
2025-2026 Admission quota:Bachelor’s program including transfer students:414 students, Master’s program: 76 students, Doctoral. program: 4 students.
招生簡章(Admissions Handbook For International Students)
NEW 簡章公告 (International Student Admission Handbook) 
※2025-2026 簡章已公告,歡迎下載使用。
The 2025-2026 International Student Admissions Handbook has already announced, please download it.
Please refer the handbook before applying in the system.
. 學雜費收退費標準 Tuition and Fees
. 獎助學金資訊 Scholarships
114學年度招生作業時程(以下皆為台灣標準時間:According to Taiwan Standard Time)
※ 報名日期:2025年8月4日(10 a.m.)起至9月10日(1 p.m.)。
Spring semster(Beginning in February 2025) Application Submission :August 4 (10 a.m.)~ September 10 (1 p.m.) 2025.
※ 放榜日期:2025年10月下旬。
Spring semster(Beginnign in February 2026) Admission Results Announcement:
Late-October, 2025.
※春季班不招收學士班學位生。The Spring Semester DOES NOT accept applications to the bachelor's programs.
The admission quota of the master’s and doctoral programs in Spring Semester will be decided after the registration of Fall Semester.
應繳文件 Required Documents
1. 護照及護照封面。
Passport and passport cover
2. 3個月內個人兩吋正面照片。
A passport-size bust photo within recent 3 months.
3. 經我國駐外機構驗證之最高學歷畢業證書影本或同等學力證明文件,如原學歷證件非中文或英文者,請另繳交中或英譯本並加蓋認證章戳。
A photocopy of the highest education diploma or equivalent academic attainment authenticated by Taiwan’s overseas mission. (When the original diploma or equivalent academic attainment is written in a language other than Chinese or English, the Chinese or English translation of the diploma is required and has to be verified with official stamps by the Taiwan’s overseas office.)
4. 經我國駐外機構驗證之最高學歷歷年成績單,如原成績單非中文或英文者,請另繳交中或英譯本並加蓋認證章戳。
The official transcript of the highest level school which has the detailed history of the applicant’s academic records and is authenticated by Taiwan’s overseas mission. (When the transcript is written in a language other than Chinese or English, the Chinese or English translation of the transcript is required and has to be authenticated with official stamps by the Taiwan’s overseas mission.)
5. 財力證明: Financial statement
A financial statement issued within recent 3 months from a financial institution with a minimum balance of US$4,000 or NT$100,000 (the bank account can be under applicant’s or parent’s name with the proof documents) or proof of having a full scholarship or grant provided by a government, university, college, or private organization.
6. 語言能力門檻: Language proficiency requirements:
華語文能力證明:華語文能力測驗TOCFL應達 A2(含)級以上。(適用於申請中文授課學系)
Chinese language proficiency: level TOCFL A2 or above.(Only applicable to students who apply to Chinese-taught programs).
英語文能力證明:英語文能力測驗應達 CEFR B1(含)級以上,包括TOEFL ITP 457或 TOEFL CBT137或 TOEFL iBT 57或 IELTS 4或TOEIC 550以上(適用於申請全英語及英語授課學系,母語為英文者請上傳護照)
English language proficiency: level CEFR B1 or above, TOEFL ITP 457 or TOEFL CBT137 or TOEFL iBT 57 or IELTS 4 or TOEIC 550 (Only applicable to students who apply to English-taught programs, native speaker must upload the passport).
7. 申請費收據。Application fee receipt.
8. 讀書計劃及自傳。Study plans and autobiography.
9. 外國學生切結書。Declaration for international students.
10. 系所附加之審查資料或其他參考文件(如推薦信、活動證明等)。
Additional required documents by the intended department or other supporting documents (such as the recommendation letters, activities certificates and so on).