※ 本校外國學生招生事務,不委託校外機構、法人、團體或個人辦理相關事項。
The recruitment of international students in Tamkang University is not permitted to commission any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters.
2024-2025學士班招生名額(含轉學生): 419 名、碩士班招生名額 80 名、博士班招生名額 10名。
2024-2025 Admission quota:Bachelor’s program including transfer students:419 students, Master’s program: 73 students, Doctoral. program: 7 students.
1. 113學年度招生重要日程(以下皆為台灣標準時間:According to Taiwan Standard Time)
※ 報名日期:2024年8月1日(10 a.m.)起至9月18日(1 p.m.)。
Spring semster(Beginning in February 2025) Application Submission :August 1 (10 a.m.)~ September 18 (1 p.m.) 2024.
※ 放榜日期:2024年10月下旬。
Spring semster(Beginnign in February 2025) Admission Results Announcement:
Late-October, 2024.
※春季班不招收學士班學位生。The Spring Semester DOES NOT accept applications to the bachelor's programs.
※春季班碩士、博士生招生名額視秋季班實際註冊名額而定。The admission quota of the master’s and doctoral
programs in Spring Semester will be decided after the registration of Fall Semester.
2. NEW 簡章公告( International Student Admissions Handbook)
※2024-2025簡章已公告,歡迎下載使用。The 2024-2025 International Student Admissions Handbook has already announced, please download it.
※ 申請者於申請前,請務必詳閱簡章。 Please refer the handbook before applying in the system.