※ 本校外國學生招生事務,不委託校外機構、法人、團體或個人辦理相關事項。

The recruitment of international students in Tamkang University is not permitted to commission any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters.


   Department of Information and Library Science
   Department of Information and Communication
   Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
   Department of Information Management
   Department of Transportation Management
   Department of International Tourism Management 
   (English-Taught Program)
   Department of Artificial Intelligence

Apply Online


國際專修部相關規定Related Regulations of International Foundation Program
International, Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong/Macao Students can apply with a high school diploma from outside Taiwan are eligible to apply for undergraduate programs.
Applicant eligibility must comply and meet with the “Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for University Admission (Appendix 1)”, “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan (Appendix 2)” of the Ministry of Education and “Providence University Admission Regulations for International Students (Appendix 3)”.
Students who apply for the International Foundation Program do not need to submit the Chinese language proficiency certificate.
Students may not apply to transfer to other department or university during the study in the Chinese Preparation program. However, after studied one year in the admitted department, students may apply to transfer to departments related to Manufacturing, Construction, Agriculture and Long-Term Care fields.
Students applying for International Foundation Program in Taiwan shall be limited to one application only. If the students interrupted the study by special reasons, students may apply again after get approved by the Ministry of Education. Upon completion of the course of study, at a school in Taiwan, to which an international student has applied, the student's admission to another school’s academic level shall be handled in a manner identical to the admission procedures for local students. An exception is that an application for a master’s degree or higher levels of graduate studies can be processed under the procedures of each individual school. Student who had took bachelor’s program at Taiwan’s universities should NOT apply for bachelor’s program as “new students”.
Students who enroll in the International Foundation Program need to reach at least A2 level of TOCFL within one year in this program, and then the students can bridge to the department which they applied for. Also, the students need to reach at least B1 level of TOCFL before being the sophomore. For students who fail to pass the TOCFL level B1 are subject to withdrawal from the school and arrangements the departure of Taiwan

國際專修部第2輪招生簡章The 2nd round of 2023-2024 Admissions Handbook for International Foundation Program